Friday, November 2, 2012

Keeping Up With Your Favorite Authors: The Author Blog Awards

Authors are my favorite brand of people. They're obsessive readers, they're always describing things dramatically that don't need to be described dramatically, and they write the best blogs out of anyone I know. However, some blogs stick out more than others.

So, welcome to the Annual Author Blog Awards, where the most hilarious stories, best layouts, and most exciting spoiler reveals will all get the applause they deserve. If you see a blog by an author you love, click the links to their sites and make sure to follow. 

Accidentally Laughing Out Loud At Your Computer Award: The Most Hilarious Author Blog
My Fair Godmother, My Double Life
How many times have I posted about Janette Rallison? Like, four or seven. Click on the links I've posted already. Rallison won this award with her post The Worst Pick Up Lyrics of 2012. I won't ever listen to Drive By the same way again. Actually, I've already listened to it again, and I was right. It wasn't the same. Her posts also keep you updated on her (many) new book projects and great giveaways. You'll never be sorry you follow her blog . . . especially if she rewards you with a signed ARC.

Click below to read books by the winner of the renowned Accidentally Laughing Out Loud At Your Computer award:
The Fan-tastic Blog Award: The Most Fandom Involving Author Blog
The Gallagher Girls series, The Heist Society series
My apologies are sent to Ally for the horrible pun involved in her award title. Her blog is fantastic, though. It's completely composed of giveaways, contests, trivia competitions and a constant link to her Twitter feed. What pushed the Gallagher Girls to the top for me, though, was this addition to her site: a webpage for the fictional school for spies in her books, where fans can apply to the school, get code names and class schedules, and even read unpublished short stories about the characters. Way to step up the game. 
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, resembles James Bond and Ocean's Eleven- teenage girl style. Written by the creator of the most fandom-friendly blog. I loved these on audio. Click if you dare:
Uncommon Criminals, by Ally Carter- Nothing's classier than an art heist . . . except a jewel heist. Click.
Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy, by Ally Carter- ON AUDIO! Double WIN.

The Self-(And Not-So-Self) Help Award: The Best Writing Advice Blog
Ella Enchanted, Fairest
Advice from the author of Ella Enchanted? Yes. Please. Gail Carson Levine's lovely blog is nearly an advice column for hopeful authors, where she answers comments and messages sent to her about writing technicalities and tricks. She has actually written a book of writing advice titled Writing Magic: Creating Stories that Fly (which is a great writing read) and I trust her advice 100%. If you're an aspiring writer, author blogs like hers can be a great resource to the inner workings of Publisher Heaven. Take her up on the offer and follow for advice!
Check out the work of Gail Carson Levine, winner of the Self (and Not-So-Self) Help award. I want to be her when I grow up. 
The Princess Tales by Gail Carson Levine- Adults and teens can handle being mature enough for a good children's story.
The Wish, by Gail Carson Levine- Less popular than her other books . . . why?!

The I'm-A-Guy-that-Blogs Award: For the Guys . . . that Blog
Rick Riordan (
Percy Jackson series, Kane Chronicles
John Green ( and
The Fault in Our Stars, Paper Towns
Statistically, guys are less likely to have a blog. But guys make great bloggers- especially author bloggers. Take Rick* and John Green as examples. Not only are they two of the funniest YA authors around, but they also host two of the funniest YA blogs.

While any Percy Jackson or Kane fan should see Rick's blog as an essential follow, it isn't only good for spoilers and book tour dates. I've gotten suggestions for great reads from his blog as well. (Not to say his blog ISN'T good for spoilers. It's great for those.)

John Green is a hilarious vlogger and blogger, and his sites have a nearly cult following. Wondering why (like I was)? Follow either of his blogs and you'll figure it out pretty quickly. While I'm going to admit I'm not a Nerdfighter, I can't help but be impressed.

Our buddy Rick. If you haven't read these, you're never getting initiated into that club. Never. 
The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan- ON AUDIO. My favoritefavoritefavorite way to read.
The Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan- the latest in the Kane Chronicles

I ought to read these, too. 
Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green- Yeah, he beat you to that title.
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green- legend tells of a movie coming soon

While author blogs are a must, no reader's repetoire is complete without a good book blog to follow. Sign in with a Google account to join Read My Print. No, we're not a Nerdfighters cult, but if you follow, maybe we'll let you in on our top secret club password. After initiation, of course.

*As you've probably seen before, I just can't call this guy by his last name. It's like calling your favorite goofy uncle "Mr. Riordan".

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