Friday, September 28, 2012

Read My Print commercial- "Everything At Once"

Back from the dead, I'm here to deliver our first post in a month- but it's worth the wait, I promise. I've been working on a Read My Print video ad we can store on the sidebar, but I'm going to post it front and center for you today, because I'm a little proud.

The video is a compiled 300 or more photographs- you can imagine why there hasn't been much blogging going on. But don't worry, we're finally back on track!

Our lovely model, Elise, got to choose the book she ended the spot with. She picked Things Not Seen  by Andrew Clements, an author I've always loved too. What other favorites can you find making a cameo in "Everything At Once"?

I'm so excited for the posts planned for October. I'm going to be covering book signings, our very own awards night, and a very big stack of books by the side of my bed. Plus, of course, some great Halloween reads! The first post of the month is lined of up for you this Friday. Check back!